Super Virtual Assistant is a highly Skilled you will become here in On-Philippines

FilVan Collaborates with iPhiTech in The JCI Event in Baguio

Become a Super Virtual assistant is possible

A company’s success in the digital sphere depends on its ability to market itself effectively. That’s why FilVan’s team couldn’t wait to hear what iPhiTech, a digital marketing agency, had to say at the JCI Event in Baguio about how to brand your business effectively online.

The Event Overview

Baguio’s Junior Chamber International (JCI), a non-profit organization that equips local business owners with innovative digital marketing tools and strategies, put on the event in partnership with iPhitech.

The CEO of iPhiTech spoke at the event and shared some strategies they employ to help their clients achieve phenomenal success in the digital sphere.

Topics he discussed include:

  • Importance of Digital Marketing Strategies for MSMEs
  • Understanding Branding in the Digital Era
  • Key Elements of a Successful Brand
  • Importance of Brand Consistency in Digital Marketing
  • Social Media as a Powerful Marketing Tool for MSMEs
  • Benefits of Social Media Marketing for MSMEs
  • Developing an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy for MSMEs
  • Building Brand Awareness and Engagement through Social Media
  • Overcoming Challenges and Adapting to the Changing Landscape

During his opening remarks, iPhiTech VP of Operations provided an overview of digital marketing’s advantages and the difficulties that micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) face in the digital sphere. He also detailed the remarkable online successes of some of iPhiTech’s clients, which he said were made possible with the company’s assistance.

The Chief of Staff to the City Mayor of Baguio also gave a warm welcome and voiced her support for the initiative during the event. She also talked about how small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are crucial to the local economy and how we all need to change with the times.


What We Learned From Being There

We attended to learn from iPhiTech’s experience and see the event through their eyes. The presentation was informative, engaging, and the attendees’ energy was infectious. We observed their eagerness to acquire new knowledge and put it to use in running their businesses. We also heard that the event was informative and useful from their perspective.

Building a brand is one of the fastest ways to grow a business online. You can reach out to thousands of people on your virtual brand ‘Daily,’ while a local could do it in “Years” to achieve.

Sustaining a business is the most challenging part because aimlessly wandering without a clear direction can lead to frustration and the risk of giving up. Attending the event in person highlighted the invaluable nature of the lesson and provided us with a headstart in implementing the strategies provided.

Final Thoughts

At the JCI Event in Baguio, we learned from iPhiTech’s digital marketing experts and shared our knowledge with MSMEs in the Philippines. MSMEs can benefit significantly from building a brand online and using it to take their businesses to new heights.

Also, we’d like to thank iPhiTech for including us in this gathering and for the strategies, tactics, and insight they provided. We appreciate their cooperation. We hope to work with them again in the near future.


What’s in it for us? What’s the catch?

You have reached this part! You really are interested!

Simply put, the joy of knowing we have helped change a life through the skillsets we have is enough. We’ve been through a lot and we believe it’s time that we share it to the next generation. If there’s any catch, it’s that we want you to tell a soul. We want to reach every VA who wants to elevate their skills and land better clients and get paid more for their efforts.

If you want to talk to us about things, join our

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