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FilVan: Driving Innovation and Collaboration in PSITE-CL’s 20th General Assembly and Election of Officers

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FilVan, a prominent organization committed to nurturing the IT community in Central Luzon, partnered with iPhiTech to sponsor the highly anticipated 20th General Assembly and Election of Officers organized by the Philippine Society of Information Technology Education-Central Luzon (PSITE-CL). This strategic collaboration aimed to foster collaboration, drive innovation, and contribute to the growth of the IT industry in the region.

iPhiTech’s Strategic Partnership with FilVan

FilVan and iPhiTech joined forces in a strategic partnership, recognizing the shared goal of advancing the IT industry in Central Luzon. As a strategic partner, FilVan brings extensive experience and resources to support the IT community’s growth. The collaboration between FilVan and iPhiTech represents a significant step forward in fostering innovation, networking opportunities, and knowledge-sharing within the IT landscape of the region. By combining their expertise and resources, FilVan and iPhiTech aim to create a dynamic ecosystem that empowers IT professionals, academics, and industry leaders in Central Luzon.


Unveiling iPhiTech’s Technology Updates and Electing New Officers

During the PSITE-CL event, iPhiTech had the opportunity to showcase its latest technology updates, highlighting their commitment to driving innovation in the IT industry. At their engaging booth, the iPhiTech team interacted with attendees, providing valuable insights into their innovative IT solutions. Moreover, iPhiTech’s Vice President of Administration delivered an enlightening talk on Technology Updates, covering emerging trends and developments in the IT field. This session allowed attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the industry’s landscape and equipped them with knowledge to navigate the evolving IT landscape effectively. The combination of product showcase and knowledge-sharing session contributed to the event’s success and created a platform for attendees to expand their industry knowledge and network.

Takeaways from the Event: Fostering Growth and Collaboration 

Attendees of the 20th PSITE-CL General Assembly and Election of Officers gained insights that will aid them throughout their careers in IT. Participants were able to learn from one another and expand their horizons thanks to this gathering. The chance to make new professional connections was a major takeaway. Participants got the opportunity to meet other people in their field, learn from leaders in the field, and form partnerships with other participants through lively conversations and networking events.


The opportunity to learn about cutting-edge technological developments was also invaluable. Attendees were able to try out state-of-the-art IT services and gain insight into developing trends thanks to iPhiTech’s participation at the event. This insight into the dynamic IT ecosystem has given participants the tools they need to be agents of change in their own industries.

The election of new PSITE-CL officers at this gathering also constituted a watershed moment. The new executives are charged with setting the organization’s direction, leading initiatives, and representing the IT community’s needs and concerns. Their passion and drive will help move the IT industry forward in Central Luzon.


Become a Super Virtual assistant is possible


Together, FilVan and iPhiTech demonstrated their dedication to fostering Central Luzon’s tech community’s innovative spirit and spirit of cooperation by sponsoring the 20th PSITE-CL General Assembly and Election of Officers. Their concerted efforts allowed for new connections to be made, new technologies to be displayed, and new officers to be elected to steer PSITE-CL into the future. Both FilVan and iPhiTech like to thank PSITE-CL for giving them the chance to shape the future of Central Luzon’s IT community through their contributions to the expansion of the IT industry.

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