Want To Start Working With More Higher Paying Clients NOW?

For $5, I’ll Give You The Same “No Funnel” Client-Getting Strategy I Used To Build A 7-Figure/Year Agency…

Without Having to Pay Thousands For Ads, Spend Hours and Hours

“Value Posting,” or Searching on Job Boards.

Dear Freelancer/Service Provider/Coach,

My name is Mike Shreeve , and over the past 15 years I’ve been able to work with clients like:

Mel Robbins

SUCCESS Magazine

Russell Brunson

Bill Glazer

Brendon Burchard

…And 100s of others.

Over that time, I’ve discovered the fastest, most reliable way of getting premium clients that I know of.

(This method doesn’t require funnels, ads, Upwork, networking, Facebook groups, or any of that jazz…) 

In fact, it’s the same method I used to take my first SEO agency to 7-figure revenues, almost entirely by using this simple client-getting strategy.

(this is something that can be automated too…so it only takes you minutes per day…)

On this page, I’ll be sharing that strategy with you.

The Fastest Client-Getting Method That Built a $100k/month Service Business

The first service business I built was an SEO agency back in 2009, and my business partner and I took it to the 7-figure mark within 2 years.

How did we do it?

No fancy funnels…

No 5-star rated Upwork profile…

LinkedIn wasn’t much of a thing (not like it is today)…

I hadn’t published any books or appeared on any podcasts back then…

We didn’t even have a website for our business…

Here’s what we did have, though:

A service that people wanted.

A way to deliver that service.

A strategy for generating clients that consistently left us with more clients per month than we could physically handle at one time.

And it was these three things (plus the client-getting method I’m about to give you) that allowed us to take our SEO agency past the $100k/month mark between
the years of 2009 and 2013.

Fast forward a couple of years, and I’d moved into the world of helping other
freelancers to build their own successful service-based businesses.

You wanna know how I did that?

I Simply Told My Students To Implement This Strategy.

Here’s What Happened:

“I Have More Work Than I Can Handle Right Now!”

My win is that I actually have more work that I can handle right now! This program is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


“I Officially Closed A Sale On A $397 Blog Post!”

My win is that I actually have more work that I can handle right now! This program is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


“Long Term Client #2 Is In The Books!”

My win is that I actually have more work that I can handle right now! This program is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


“I Increased My Prices By 25%!”

My win is that I actually have more work that I can handle right now! This program is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


“I’ve Got 4 New Client Projects I’ve Been Working On…all Awesome Clients, And At The Rate I Wanted!”

My win is that I actually have more work that I can handle right now! This program is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


“I Mentally Planned On Needing 3 Months To Fill My Schedule With Clients…but I’m Almost There In Less Than One Month.”

My win is that I actually have more work that I can handle right now! This program is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


This Client-Getting Method Doesn’t Require Complex “Funnels” or Websites (and it can still be automated)

Here are a couple of reasons I love this strategy too:

It’s free (and can be automated at very low cost);

It takes just minutes each day to manage once you automate it (following the guidelines I’ll give you) yet can deliver more premium clients than most can handle;

It’s backed by my money-back guarantee (so I’m confident it will help you land your next dream client fast).

If you need clients fast, then this is the most effective and reliable way I know of to get them.

Get the Toolkit, Course, and Client-Getting Challenge for Just $5 and Start Getting Clients Today!

The best part about this client-getting method?

You do NOT need to have years of experience in your field to sign clients with this method (newbies and beginners welcome)…

You do NOT need a huge marketing budget to make this work (Like, I said, it’s free…or very low-cost to automate)…

You do NOT need to find an extra 10 hours in your week to make this work for you…

You do NOT need to find an extra 10 hours in your week to make this work for you…

And You do NOT need to worry about this method being here today, but gone tomorrow (this method has existed in various forms for hundreds of years, and has stood the test of time as one of the most effective client-getting strategies for any service provider)…


Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge!

Get the Course, Toolkit, and Client Getting
Challenge Today for Just $5!

Get The Training, The Templates, The Whole
Toolkit To Make This Happen.

How to Get High-Quality Clients Without…

Without having to spend hours each day hunting for your next job on Upwork or Fiverr…

Without constantly lowballing your fees for every client so that you have a chance of being the freelancer they pick for their project…

Without needing to show up at every networking event in your local area (PLUS the online ones) in the hopes of running into a potential client…

Without spending $$$$ putting together a website with all your best stuff on it (only to struggle to even get it to rank on page 1 of Google…)

Without lurking Facebook groups and job boards, commenting on post after post and hoping to stand out amongst the hundreds of other freelancers hoping to be selected for the same job…

Without having to spend years “working up” to your first 5+ figure/mo client by gradually raising your prices every couple of years…

And without needing to put on some fake sales persona just to try and to stand out among the online noise…

Instead, just follow this simple process for research (that I’ll be showing you)…

Send out some non-salesy messages using pre-made templates (that I’ll be giving you)…

And start signing high-quality, premium clients without a funnel, a website, or a huge network.